How to play Android games on PC

PC gaming is way more refined than playing on smartphones. But things are always improving, especially when smartphone technology is blooming rapidly. Even with the best devices, i still love to play few smartphone games on bigger screen, with a keyboard and mouse. There are a lot of valid reasons why someone would like to … Continue reading How to play Android games on PC

How to optimize PC/Laptop for gaming

This article shows you how to optimize your PC or laptop and make it faster for gaming, boost FPS (frames per second), and increase your GPU's (graphics processor unit) performance in general. PC gaming isn't always as simple as console gaming. Instead of plug & play, it's more plug & pray that your games run … Continue reading How to optimize PC/Laptop for gaming

First things to do when you installed new operating system/windows

After a clean install of a windows, there's bare minimum things you'll want to do to. For example you need some programs to improve your online experience. 1. Install programs Go to Ninite and download all necessary software for your new operational system at once. I suggest you to download new web browser, anti-virus, compression … Continue reading First things to do when you installed new operating system/windows

How to clean my computer from rubbish?

Over time, your computer will accumulate a significant amount of "rubbish" files and software that serves no purpose and affects the performance of your computer. This rubbish includes: Programs installed and no longer required;Malicious software i.e. trojans, viruses, worms, rootkits;Temporary files downloaded from the internet;The Recycle Bin (files you have deleted). Most computer users only … Continue reading How to clean my computer from rubbish?